Drifting buoy data now publicly available

Drifting buoy deployment. Credit: NOAA
The Global Drifter Program at AOML has a new ERDDAP, or Environmental Research Division Data Access Program, server that is now publicly available and hosts both hourly and 6-hour quality-controlled interpolated drifter datasets. This new scientific data server uses free and open-source software created by the Environmental Research Division of NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
ERDDAP provides a simple, consistent way to download drifter data in common file formats, resulting in easier access to data for the scientific community. It is currently used by approximately 100 organizations in more than 17 countries, and NOAA’s Data Access Procedural Directive recommends ERDDAP as a data server for groups within NOAA.
A video in the AOML news story provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the new ERDDAP server.